deleted doors and windows still show in d-wall

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  • hello all,

    after i have deleted or lengthened openings in d-wall, the old outlines are still visible but don't become active when i hover the mouse pointer over them.

    how can i get rid of this lines?


    i like building pianos

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    That's impossible. What you see is not the wall. Maybe you see a panel.
    It could be possible, that you made a volume or Dicam attribute operation with the wall, that caused a duplication of the wall body.
    If you don't find it out, please, load up the packed position (zgb file).

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    If the lines do not hover it could be that you see the outlines of the slices. Do the lines have blue color?
    A panel would hover if you touch the lines with the mouse.
    The lines of the slices can be switched off (1-7-1).

  • hello Planer and Joachim,

    i wish a could act upon your replies. unfortunately i just erased my whole project by mistake. it is amazing what one absent-minded click can do.

    In the menu program I did have set 5-3 settings-path to "delete: move files to trash bin" but this didn't seem to help.

    I'm still a bit in shock, is it possible to recover it? are there any back-up files anywhere that are automatically generated i can use?

    i like building pianos

  • Hi Joachim,

    I looked in the trash bin and found not one file...

    in any case i sort of figured what happens. for some reason (something i am doing wrong, i am sure) sometimes the projest saves outside of its project directory, so when i expand all my directories I'll see the project replicated elsewhere. last nite it happened again, so i right cliked on my project and copied it to the clipboard (just in case), then i went to the replica of the project which had appeared one directory level up and deleted it.

    it dissappeared...together with all the positions in the actual project i was working on !!. only the "shell" of the project was left, basically a project with no positions.

    of course my copy to the clipboard was useless, since the original was deleted.

    i don't know if any of this makes any sense to you.

    i like building pianos

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    We do not realy copy the whole project into the clipboard we just copy the information about the file names and the path. This is just to copy a project from one directory to another.

    I am not sure if did understand the first part of your post. It is right that sometime you will find an entry of your position or project in another directory. We have this problem since some years but we never could find the reason. Normaly this is no problem. You just delete the empty enrtry and thats it. The original project or position never was touched by this operation.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Some weeks ago, I closed a project, in order to open an other project. When I wanted to reload my first project, it was totally deleted. Not one file of it I found on my hard disk. In the trash bin there were some files, but none of them belonged to my project.

    Very strange...

    I tried a recovery software, it found lots of deleted files, but not one single project file.
    Well, I save daily backups automatically one hour after midnight, so my yesterday's version would save me from total data loss.


    I let my commander search in all of my 4 hard disks, no files found.
    Then I had the idea, to search all files, that were not older than 1 day, and there were found files of a project that I finished 3 days ago.

    Well, I had created a project with a wrong number in a wrong folder, so the name search could not be successful.

    Maybe you have the same problem now?

  • Hi Planer, unfortunately i don't think that is the problem in this case.

    I just tried a demo recovery program and this is what came out.

    the non-highlited files are the ones I created last nite, or older files modified by dietrichs as i was working on the project again. so they are out there, somewhere.

    i just know nothing about the file extensions, so i don't know which ones i should try to recover, or whether it is worth the money (just under $100 !!) i have an option to open them from the window (and then i could use "save position as") but i don't know which dietrichs exe i should associate with which extension.

    in any case i am going to start the project from 0 again. i'd like to know for next time how do you back up in dietrichs, and where do you find the back-up files?

    thank you

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    There is no automatic backup of projects.
    You can automatically save your project every few minutes, but this "backup" is only useful, if the program has an abnormal abort. If you exit the project in a normal way, all automatic backup files will be deleted.

    Every project contains a group of files with 5+3.3 names (project+position.filetype).

    the contents are (the list might not be complete):

    project.dat - - - - - - number and name of project
    xxxxxyyy.gbd - - - - organisation of used floor roof and MOS
    xxxxxyyy.gbs - - - - general building settings
    xxxxxyyy.gfk - - - - - elements from free construction
    xxxxxyyy.k00...k99 - - organisation and beams of floors, ceilings, walls and assisting lines
    xxxxxyyy.l00 - - - - - - roof elements
    xxxxxyyy.mas - - - - - storage of all beams machine data
    xxxxx.mdb - - - - - - - building database
    xxxxxyyy.pla - - - - - storage for drawings
    xxxxxyyy.plf - - - - - - plancad drawings
    xxxxxyyy.pv0...pv3 - - project organisation

    xxxxx.zd - - - - - - - - compressed project archive
    xxxxxyyy.zgb - - - - - compressed position archive
    xxxxxyyy.zl1 - - - - - compressed drawing archive
    xxxxxyyy.zla - - - - - compressed drawing storage archive

    In most cases you cannot mix the files between two position versions, because they depend from the content of other files.

  • hi planer,

    thanx again, your knowledge of dietrichs is astounding. i have given up and started the project from 0 again. i will be much more cautious from now on. i might pack the whole project after every session and send it somewhere safe. what do you think? any other strategies? (new thread?)

    if nothing else, after the third time i am getting more comfortable with the software, it took me a fraction of the time to get to where i was prior to my disaster,


    i like building pianos

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hi jorge,

    sometimes it's useful to know about file contents, but the normal user should not think about it.

    strategies: I make daily backups from all hard disks. So the maximum lost can be one day's work.

    Sometimes I use "save as..." to store the position status with a new number. I always work with position .....001.
    During my work I send the position to my client, to ask for details, and he knows the status. In one case, I lost a project, and could recover a rather actual status from my sent email.

    Do not delete any project.
    There is enough space on the hard disk. Once or twice in a year I compress my finished projects, and push them into an archive folder. This folder is on my hard disk, on my backup hard disk and on CD/DVD.

  • I don't use the automatic Dietrichs project folder - I make my own folder outside the C-drive. And if you have one HDD for C-drive and other drives for data, this solution is of course good, if the C-drive crash or you have to format it because of virus or other reasons. I don't really make back-up files frequently, but one idea could be to take a simple copy of the project folder for the actual projects - on another harddrive, or just another place, a CD or whatever. Or maybe make a ZD-file, compressed project and copy it somewhere else.

    Sincerely Yours. M. Sc. E. Thorvald, Denmark
    (Dietrichs version 7.03).

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